If you are suffering from tired, stressed out skin, use an apple face mask to brighten your skin instantly.
Apple contains vitamins A, B, C and antioxidant properties that relieves damage due to constant exposure to dirt and grime. Apples are also known to treat your skin from sunburns. They contain glycolic acid which helps exfoliate and clear your pores. Apple contains elements which help remove skin dead cells and make skin fairer. It can help remove blemishes. It is very effective for pimple removal. Apple pulp when applied on skin can maintain skin PH and help get over dangerous skin infections. Take one apple, apply its pulp on skin for 20 minutes and wash. After washing apply moisturiser. This mask is suited for all skin types.
Benefits of apple
The benefits of apple is not just one.
Chew an apple after your meal for pearly white teeth.
Regular intake of apple helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
It is great to use as an anti-ageing mask because of the high content of antioxidants.
Place slices of apple under your eyes to reduce dark circles and puffy eyes.
Mash a quarter of an apple with cream milk and apply it on your face to reduce blemishes and dark spots.
It also balances oil production in your skin and reduces the flow of sebum.
Apple is known to be an excellent treatment for acne.
Apart from this, apple is also known to provide hydration to your skin. Use it as an exfolliant by grating it and applying it all over your face.
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