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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Remains Of Fruits Gives You Glowing Skin

What do you do when you have a whole bunch of leftover fruits and veggies in your refrigerator? As much as we try hard, these leftovers do not seem to get over.

Lemons, tomatoes, papaya, bananas, eggs are a few to name that top the list of leftovers in the fridge. Its time to stop fretting about wastage and the money spent.

There are few ways of using it wisely
Lemons are very good for hair. Wash your hair with lemons. It is very good for oily and greasy hair. It has excellent nourishing properties like Vitamins B and A. This will take care of the dandruff and get rid of similar scalp problems.

Leftover bananas that changes colour to black are very useful in making your skin glow. Overripe bananas are very high in vitamin A, B and E, all of which benefit the skin. Mash a banana and put it all over your face till it completely dies up and rinse off after 15-20 minutes.

Papayas are good cleansers. It has Enzyme Papain which removes blemishes and rejuvenates an undernourished skin. Mash papayas and mix some honey to make a pack which you can smear all over your hands, neck and face. Wash after 15-20 minutes for a blemish free skin.

Eggs works wonders for skin and hair. Mix egg white with mayo and honey to make a thick paste. This can be applied to your hair as well. Egg has pure protein which will make your hair strong and honey that will bring out the lustre that was till now lacking in your tresses.

So, leftover fruits, vegetables and even poultry can contribute to your healthy skin and hair. Next time you spot something lying in your refrigerator unused, you know what to do.

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