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Thursday, July 04, 2013

The Whole Truth About Yogurt

Rich in calcium

The BIO white yogurt has high calcium content with guaranteed sustainable absorption. For example, one cup of BIO yogurt provides the nutrients our body needs to build, maintain and strengthen the bones.

Moreover, studies show that eating at least three low-fat dairy products per day may reduce the risk of bone disease and fractures. White low-fat yogurt can definitely be one of these products consumed on a daily basis.

Health overflowing with proteins

One cup of yogurt contains between 5-9 grams of complete protein that provides our body with all the necessary amino acids. Our body produces most amino acids except for nine that must be obtained from the food we eat. A complete protein contains all the essential amino acids.

Good for the figure as well

A significant benefit of yogurt lies in the fact that it contains very small amounts of fat on the one hand, and protein that contributes to a sense of satiety on the other hand. Yogurt is clearly a healthy, tasty and non-fattening food that still creates a sense of satiety, so that even those who watch their weight can enjoy it.

Eating yogurt daily will provide our body with various important nutrients, including a variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

Natural reinforcement when taking antibiotics

When we are treated with antibiotics, good bacteria that safeguard our body are damaged. Eating yogurt is one of the best and healthiest ways to restore the damaged bacterial population in our body and thus strengthen our immune system.

Yogurt contains Bifidos and Acidophilus bacteria. These bacteria reach our intestines where they stay and multiply. When these bacteria reach the desired quantity, they improve our health, help us digest food and assist the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our body.

Lactose intolerant? We have a surprise for you

The lack of lactase (an enzyme that breaks lactose, milk sugar) varies from one person to another. Therefore, one of the recommendations for lactose-intolerant people is to choose dairy products that contain less lactose. For example, yogurt, low-lactose milk, cottage, hard cheese and ripened cheese. Since the bacteria in yogurt break down the lactose, some people can enjoy this healthy gift to the body – yogurt.

Digestive system friendly

Most of the foods we consume contain bacteria, viruses and toxins. But not to worry: our digestive system protects the body and prevents bacteria from entering the bloodstream.

The use of antibiotics, treatment in various medications, hormonal changes, mental stress and western dietary habits – all may potentially damage the good bacteria population and thus break its ecological balance. This is where yoghurt enters the picture- one cup of yogurt keeps the balance of friendly bacteria in the body and encourages their growth.

I Hope you now feel slightly more informed about the wonderful world of yogurt and its health benefits. In the next post, we will go back to the history of this product, which made its way from the cow udders to neatly-stocked cups on supermarket shelves.


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