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Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Antioxidants don’t improve fertility, study shows

Antioxidants do not appear to improve a woman’s chances of getting pregnant, contrary to previous beliefs, Medical News Today reported.

In a study published in The Cochrane Library, researchers from the University of Auckland, New Zealand, discovered that women who took oral antioxidants were no more likely to conceive than those who took a placebo or a folic acid supplement.

The researchers reached their conclusions based on a study of 3,548 women undergoing fertility treatments. A variety of antioxidants were taken by the women studied, including:

- OctatronR,
- Multiple micronutrients and Fertility Blend
- N-acetylcysteine
- Melatonin
- L-arginine
- Vitamin E
- Myo-inositol
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D and Calcium
- Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

While the women taking antioxidants didn’t experience any more adverse effects compared to women not taking the supplements, researchers noted that there is limited information on the positive or negative effects of these types of pills.

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