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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thousands of 'Well-Dressed' Women Dying From Strokes Despite Looking Healthy

Cardiologists said too many doctors are missing crucial signs of heart problems in women because many of those at risk were well-groomed and looked healthy.

The study of more than 15,000 people found that female patients were half as likely as men to be treated for one of the leading causes of heart problems.
Researchers said that GPs and specialists were slow to diagnose the most common form of abnormal cardiac rhythm in women, increasing their risk of stroke and death.
Dr Pierre Sabouret, lead researcher and cardiologist from Heart Institute-Pitie Salpetriere Hospital in Paris, said he believed many doctors did not realise how common the condition was among women, and failed to carry out tests to establish the likelihood of a problem.
He said: "I think doctors - GPs and cardiologists - often do not realise the risk for women. Too often they will think if a female patient looks healthy, and dresses smartly, and looks after herself, she is probably okay."

The study of patients suffering from atrial fibrillation - one of the leading causes of stroke - found that women below the age of 70 were 56 per cent less likely to be treated for the condition, compared with men with the same risk profile.

The cardiac condition, which affects around 1 in 14 people over the age of 65 can cause palpitations, fainting or chest pain, but is often symptomless.

The chance of the disorder increases rapidly with age, and it causes more than 15,000 strokes a year in the UK.

The study, presented at the European Society of Cardiology conference in Amsterdam found that among patients aged 70 and above, the gap narrowed slightly - but women were still one third less likely to be given treatment such as anti-coagulant drugs which are used to reduce the risk of strokes.

Dr Sabouret said instead, doctors should be following European guidance which demands that a series of tests are undertaken, including blood pressure, vascular history, and checks for disease such as diabetes.

If atrial fibrillation is established, patient should be put on anti-coagulent drugs, the advice says.
He said: "The guidance is there, the problem is that doctors are not following it."

The cardiologist said the failure to give women the right treatment resulted in thousands of premature deaths in the UK.

The study took place in France, where incidence of atrial fibrillation is similar to that in the UK.
Dr Sabrouret said the findings were applicable globally, and had particular relevance to the UK, where there are particularly high numbers of strokes among women.

Research shows that women in Britain are one and a half as times as likely as men to die as a result of a stroke.

Thembi Nkala, Senior Cardiac Nurse at the British Heart Foundation, said: “Atrial Fibrillation is the most common type of irregular heart rhythm in the UK - nearly a million people are living with the condition.

“It’s absolutely vital that it is spotted early as it can more than quadruple your risk of having a stroke.
Some people may not have any obvious symptoms, but it’s easy to check yourself for signs at home simply by feeling the pulse on your wrist. If your pulse feels irregular and variable in strength, make sure you visit your doctor."


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