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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Foods Causing Depressions and Insomnia

Elevated blood-protein levels impair neurotransmitter metabolism regulating sleep and feelings of happiness. 

Beta-carbolines from prepared food (proteinacous prepared food in particular), opioid peptides from wheat- and dairy products and cadmium from vegetables and grains do exactly the same.

To be happy and sleep well : Consume as little (especially at night) prepared food, vegetables, grains, milk and wheat-products. (You don't need these at all.

Wake up when the sun rises, and eat as much fruits as you want and sufficient fresh raw egg yolk (mixed with avocado) or fresh raw salmon. (raw animal food requires an hour rest to digest by the way!)

Great 'happy fruits' are : dried date, -fig, papaya, banana, strawberries, sweet cherries, orange, mango, pineapple, grapefruit and hazelnuts.

Sleep is essential to reconstruct lost body-protein and to decompose and deport wastes from the body. Also, when you are asleep, body-fat is transformed into available energy, to support the processes mentioned above.

If you want to be beautiful and slim, you need lots of sleep


Being happy is much more than just a feeling. Feelings of happiness / depressions tell you whether your diet is okay. And if you don’t sleep well, again you have to take a look at your diet first.

For example :Cholesterol is an essential nutrient ; 10 to 20% of the brain is composed of cholesterol, and vitamin D and the sex hormones are also composed of cholesterol. That's why the body needs sufficient cholesterol all the time.  

And to make sure you consume sufficient 'clean' cholesterol , your body warns you if you don't; through causing depressions and mood-swings. A number of scientific investigations have proved that in people trying to commit suicide, cholesterol-level is lower.


Sugar for example is as essential as cholesterol is ; sugars are the main source of energy for the brain and muscles; dietary sugars (sucrose, starch, and even most fructose) are mainly transformed into glucose. 

To assure sufficient sugars are consumed, glucose is essential in composing serotonine, ‘the happy-maker' ;

Serotonine is composed of tryptophan, an amino acid. (protein commonly is composed of 18 different amino acids) 

When blood-glucose level is low, muscles and organs do not absorb amino acids from the blood for maintenance. And among all those other amino acids, it is much harder for the brain to pick up tryptophan. 

Glucose stimulates amino acid absorption by the muscles and organs, and therefore tryptophan absorption by the brain. The sweet taste of sugar and honey is the promise of happiness. (and sleep)

Fat is as essential as cholesterol and sugars are ; Fats are the main source of energy for the heart and the colon. 

To assure sufficient fat is consumed, a particular fatty acid, oleamide, is required to activate serotonine receptors. Making oleamide, and therefore fat, essential to fall a sleep.

If you wake up in the middle of the night for no reason ; consume something both fat and sweet, like raisins with butter. It will probably make you sleep like a baby.

Too Much Protein

But yes, being grumpy, you first need to make sure your diet contains sufficient clean cholesterol, -fat and sugars. However, consuming too little essential nutrients is not the only cause ; 

Consuming too much proteinous food in general, can also cause depressions and sleeplessness. Here are the reasons why ;

-    To transform tryptophan into serotonine, vitamin B6 is required.
     Consuming more protein than you need, requires extra vitamin B6
     (and B2 and folic acid). Consuming too much proteinous food
     inhibits serotonine production.
-    Consuming too much increases blood-amino acid levels, making 
      it harder for the rain to specifically pick up tryptophan.
     The amino acid phenylalanine inhibits serotonine production,
      through inhibiting decarboxylation of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophane into
-    Consuming too much protein increases blood-phenylalanine level.
     The amino acid phenylalanine inhibits serotonine production,
      through inhibiting decarboxylation of 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophane into
-    Consuming too much protein increases blood-leucine level. The
     amino acid leucine enhances tryptophan-pyrrolase, irreversibly
     decomposing tryptophan. Unfortunately, the liver cannot   
     decompose leucine, tissues like muscles can.
-    Prepared food contains lots of beta-carbolines  inhibiting tryptophan transport by albumin. Free tryptophan not transported by albumin does not reach the brain ,and is decomposed. Especially consuming prepared proteinous food can make you depressed and sleepless.
-    Besides methionine (an other amino acid) ,tryptophan is easily damaged by heat. Every time food is re-heated, tryptophan gets lost. 
-    Beta-carbolines from prepared food can occupy serotonine receptors because many beta-carbolines are composed of tryptophan (or its amines ; serotonine and tryptamine) ; the basic properties are equal.
-    Beta-carbolines from prepared food can directly disturb sleep through blocking benzodiazepine receptors.
-   Beta-carbolines from prepared food can also disturb sleep by
    causing stress through the noradrenergic system.

Consume as much fruit, and sashimi or fresh raw egg yolk (gently stirred through a fruit shake for example), instead of prepared food. And especially do not consume prepared food at night, to prevent prolonged digestion to impair sleep.

Waking up late can make you depressed and sleepless too ;

-    Your body is strongly influenced by daylight ; when the sun has
     set, serotonine is transformed into melatonine. When the sun
     rises, this process stops, if not asleep.
     That's why everybody is much more happy in the summertime,
     providing us with much more daylight. If you are depressed or
     sleepless ; wake up when the sun rises.
     Optimum melatonine production requires optimum serotonine
     production. Logically, also impaired melatonine production comes
     with depressions and sleeplessness.      
     Optimum melatonine metabolism also prevents prolactine,
     oestradiol and EGF from causing breast cancer.

Consuming vegetables and grains can also make you depressed and sleepless ;

-    Even a low intake of cadmium decreases serotonine level. Grains and vegetables in particular can contain high levels of cadmium (from phosphate fertilizers). That's why 'health freaks' consuming lots of vegetables and grains very often are not exactly 'shiny happy people'. What we nowadays consider a normal intake of cadmium, is already 50% of maximally admitted amounts. You're not a cow, nor a pigeon; you don't need any grains or vegetables at all. Fruits and some animal foods combined contains all the nutrients you need. (see site3)

Consuming wheat- and / or dairy products can also make you sleepless and depressed.

-    Endorphins are opioid peptides made by the body. The anesthetic effects of endorphins is required to make you fall asleep. Damaged (due to heat) wheat- and milk-opioid peptides can occupy and destroy endorphin receptors in the brain. 
     Therefore endorphins cannot bind to their receptors, what impairs
     falling asleep.
Endorphin- and serotonine-metabolism are closely related, and opioid peptides can directly inhibit serotonine release. Therefore, besides sleeplessness, opioid peptides can also cause depressions. In chronically depressed people, free endorphin level is 3 fold higher

Long-term hormonal contraceptive use can make you depressed and sleepless too.

-    Hormonal contraceptives act through dominating production and secretion of hormones by the body. It is very possible that after menopause adrenal gland estrogen production does not recover from being diminished through long-term contraceptive use. While estrogen (and other hormones) enhances serotonine-receptor activity.
-    Oral contraceptive use increases cortisol level, increasing transformation of tryptophan into xanthurenic acid, kynurenine and hydroxykynurenine. Therefore less tryptophan can be transformed into serotonine.

Use of antibiotics can cause sleeplessness too.

-    Bacteria in the colon produce factor S, inducing long-wave sleep. Antibiotics kill both bacteria causing diseases and bacteria producing factor S. Antibiotics should only be used in an emergency situation.

Too little vitamin B3 enhances serotonine deficiency.

-    Vitamin B3 deficiency commonly comes with serotonine deficiency, for both substances are composed of tryptophan. If sufficient B3 is available, no tryptophan needs to be transformed into B3, leaving more tryptophan to be transformed into serotonine. Like meat and nuts, raw salmon, -tuna and -mackerel are loaded with B3.
     ‘Happy-‘ and ‘sleepy foods’ improve both serotonine- and vitamin B3 production.

'Happy-' and 'Sleepy-food' 


The body actually doesn’t need much tryptophan to compose serotonine. And yet you can consume lots of protein containing lots of tryptophan, with serotonine production remaining far too low. 

Simply because protein also contains amino acids inhibiting serotonine production, like leucine and phenylalanine in particular. 

Optimizing serotonine metabolism therefore is not about consuming protein high in tryptophan, but about consuming protein containing relatively more tryptophan than leucine and phenylalanine. 

Consuming such proteins improves serotonine metabolism, allowing you to feel happy, and sleep well.


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