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Thursday, March 06, 2014

Why Herbal Tea Is Great To Our Body

Herbal Tea are great antioxidants, which fight cell damage and may help lower risk for infection and certain cancers. But tea may also be an easy way to lose weight, lift your spirits, and just generally get your shape on.

Types Of Herbal Tea Good For The Body

Black tea

In the West, water for black tea is usually added near the boiling point of water, at around 99 °C (210 °F). Many of the active substances in black tea do not develop at temperatures lower than 90 °C (194 °F).

Lower temperatures are used for some more delicate teas. The temperature will have as large an effect on the final flavour as the type of tea used.

The most common fault when making black tea is to use water at too low a temperature. Since boiling point drops with increasing altitude, it is difficult to brew black tea properly in mountainous areas.

It is also recommended by the British that the teapot be warmed before preparing tea, easily done by adding a small amount of boiling water to the pot, swirling briefly, then discarding it.

Western black teas are usually brewed for about four minutes and are usually not allowed to steep for less than 30 seconds or more than about five minutes (a process known as brewing or mashing in Britain).

In many regions of the world, however, boiling water is used and the tea is often stewed. For example in India, black tea is often boiled for fifteen minutes or longer as a strong brew is preferred for making Masala chai.

When the tea has brewed long enough to suit the tastes of the drinker, it should be strained while serving.

Green tea

Water for green tea, according to regions of the world that prefer mild tea, should be around 80 to 85 °C (176 to 185 °F); the higher the quality of the leaves, the lower the temperature.

Hotter water will produce a bitter taste. However, this is the method used in many regions of the world, such as North Africa or Central Asia, where bitter tea is appreciated.

For example, in Morocco, green tea is steeped in boiling water for 15 minutes. In the West and Far East, a milder tea is appreciated.

The container in which the tea is steeped, the mug or teapot, is often warmed beforehand so the tea does not immediately cool down.

High-quality green and white teas can have new water added as many as five or more times, depending on variety, at increasingly higher temperatures.

Oolong tea

Oolong teas should be brewed around 80 to 100 °C (176 to 212 °F), and the brewing vessel should be warmed before pouring in the water.

Yixing purple clay teapots are the traditional brewing-vessel for oolong tea. For best results, spring water should be used as the minerals in spring water tend to bring out more flavour in the tea.

High quality oolong can be brewed multiple times from the same leaves, and unlike green tea, it improves with reuse.

It is common to brew the same leaves three to five times, the third steeping usually considered the best. In the Chinese and Taiwanese Gongfu tea ceremony, the first brew is not drunk at all but disposed of as it is considered a wash of the leaves rather than a proper brew.

Lipton Tea 

Lipton, tea is a good source of flavonoids, compounds that may contribute to a healthy heart. The leaves of green, black, oolong and white teas are loaded with flavonoids and other polyphenols that work as antioxidants; drinking them regularly could promote good health.

The Tea Association of the USA reports that the flavonoids present in tea have an antioxidant effect in the body; they fight free radical damage and can help prevent the growth of abnormal cells that can lead to cancer growth.

Drinking Lipton tea freshly brewed, iced or hot, may cut your risk of developing several types of cancer, including skin, oral, lung and ovarian cancer, but further studies are needed.


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