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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Super Benefits Of Moringa

Moringa, also known as the Miracle Tree, is a multipurpose plant, as the leaves, pods, fruits, flowers, roots, and even the bark of the tree can be utilized. It is also called the Drumstick Tree by Britishers, while in Philippines it is known as malunggay.

The scientific name of this tree is Moringa oleifera. It is a powerhouse of minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants. Therefore, it is widely promoted in poverty-stricken areas, to counter malnutrition.

While conventional treatment methods take months to counter this problem, consumption of the parts of this tree may take just a few days to treat it.

Its uses range from being a water purifier to protecting the skin and also, to make perfumes and sprays. The gum of this tree is a diuretic and astringent and can be helpful in treating asthma.

Health Benefits  Seeds  The powdered form of moringa seeds is very well-known to treat scurvy, a common skin disease caused by bacterial infections. Crushed seeds are beneficial for purifying and clarifying water to make it available for domestic purposes.

The seeds also minimize bacterial concentration of the water, thereby, making it drinkable. They can be used as a relaxant for epilepsy. The seeds consumed in roasted form, encourage urination, thereby, treating urinary problems.

When the seeds are roasted, pounded, and mixed with coconut oil, can treat gout, arthritis, rheumatism, sexually transmitted diseases, etc. You just have to apply the above-mentioned mixture to the problem area and see the results.

Along with perfumes and sprays the seeds are also useful in manufacturing aromatherapy oils.  Leaves  Our body needs calcium for proper growth and maintenance of bones, to prevent and treat bone-related diseases, like osteoporosis.

This calcium is normally obtained from milk through daily consumption. However, it may come to you as a surprise, that the leaves of moringa tree contain four times more calcium than that is present in milk.

Also, the amount of protein in these leaves is twice the amount present in milk. Bananas are a rich source of potassium, however, the drumstick leaves contain seven times more potassium than bananas.

The leaves also contain three times more iron than spinach. Hence, adequate consumption of these leaves can be helpful in preventing anemia. The leaves are extremely beneficial in stimulating metabolism. They are the nutrition boosters, which are known to promote a feeling of well-being in people.

They are well-known to provide non-sugar based energy, which means, you can include these leaves in your weight loss diet. On the other hand, diabetics can also keep their sugar level under control. The paste of the leaves beautifies the skin and is, therefore, applied by women to their skin regularly.

Oranges contain a large amount of vitamin C, however, the leaves of the miracle tree contain seven times more vitamin C than oranges.

The leaves are also rich in beta carotene containing three to five times more beta carotene than carrots.  Flowers  The flowers are an effective home remedy for cough and cold.

In rural areas, people boil these flowers in water and drink it in the form of tea, for instant relief. They improve the quality and flow of the breast milk when breastfeeding, if consumed in the form of a juice.

Like other parts of the tree, the flower juice also encourages urination, which helps in treating as well as preventing several urinary problems.  Pods  The pods or fruits of moringa are also known as drumsticks and they taste like asparagus.

These drumsticks, especially the raw peas inside these sticks, are a rich source of fiber, iron, potassium, and vitamin C, which helps in treating problems related to the liver and the spleen.

High protein and fiber content in pods, helps in treating diarrhea. These fruits are an excellent source of vitamin A, which is helpful in maintaining proper vision.

Consumption of the pods helps in preventing night blindness and other eye problems in children as well as adults.

Roots  A mixture of pounded moringa roots and salt is made into a poultice, which is extremely beneficial for treating rheumatism, relieving arthritic pain, and minimizing lower back or kidney pain. They are also helpful in treating cardiac as well as circulatory problems.

Other Benefits  It can be used as a source of bio-fuel. Cooking oil can also be produced from this magical tree. The oil can offer several health benefits that one can get from sunflower oil and olive oil.

Moringa contains more than 90 nutrients and 46 types of antioxidants. With the endless health benefits, it can be termed as the most nutritious tree on the earth. There are no known side-effects of this magical tree, till date.

However, it may interact with certain medications; for instance, if it is taken with drugs like aspirin or other blood thinners, it can increase the risk of bleeding.

Hence, you can consult your health care professional, even if you have a slightest doubt about its side effects, prior to consumption.

Apart from these possible side effects, it can be easily consumed by children as well as adults, as it is the most natural form of herb without any chemicals, even when consumed as a food supplement.

Many people have already started using it in salads, porridge, pastas, breads, etc., to reap the everlasting health benefits of this extraordinary 'Miracle Tree'.

Moringa leaves, which is the most nutritious part of the Moringa tree, is loaded with Vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and for this reason it is known as the Nutrition powerhouse. Fresh Moringa leaves contain 70 to 75% moisture and when they are dried the moisture content goes down to less than 8% and hence the nutrients becomes much more concentrated. That is the reason why people prefer to use Moringa Leaf Powder in their supplements. Moringa leaf powder contain the following nutrients.
  • Protein
  • Fat
  • Carbohydrate
  • Fiber
  • Minerals
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Sulphur
  • Oxalic Acid
  • Vitamin A – B Carotene
  • Vitamin B – Choline
  • Vitamin B1 – Thiamin
  • Vitamin B2 – Riboflavin
  • Vitamin B3 – Nicotinic Acid
  • Vitamin C – Ascorbic Acid
  • Vitamin E – Tocopherol Acetate
  • Arginine
  • Histidine
  • Lysine
  • Tryptophan
  • Phenylanaline
  • Methionine
  • Threonine
  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine


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