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Saturday, May 31, 2014

What's Healthier For You? Migraine Or Butter

According to the Mayo Clinic, margarine is usually better when it comes to heart health benefits as opposed to butter. However, it’s important to read labels and be aware of the ingredients because not all margarines are created the same.

Margarine is made from vegetable oils, so there is no cholesterol. However, some margarine brands contain trans-fat, which means that they can potentially raise your bad cholesterol levels — a contributor to heart disease.

On the other hand, there is butter, which has been used in cuisines all over the world for thousands of years. However, its high fat content makes it a health hazard.

Butter's made from animal fat, which means it contains high levels of saturated fat and cholesterol — both culprits when it comes to maintaining a healthy heart.

Asap Science provided a video outlining the differences better butter and margarine to quell the questions and to help consumers make butter choices.

Consuming too much butter, with over 35 calories per teaspoon, can be hazardous, the video narrarator points out.

However, since butter is natural and made from one ingredient, there is less of a chance of it being processed.
So what should you choose? According to the American Heart Association, consumers should look for soft, trans-fat-free spreads instead of regular butter or stick margarine.

The best thing to do is read the label, look for ingredients that have been minimally processed, and that are low in trans-fast.

It’s also important to limit your consumption of butter and margarine overall to promote a healthier heart.

Everyone likes a little something on top of their toast. And with the plethora of spreads, butters, and margarines all touting their health benefits, it’s hard to choose.


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