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Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Ebola Patient Recaptured After Escaping From A Truck (VIDEO)

The man who is believed to be an Ebola patient tried to escape but was bundled into a quarantine truck.

Villagers flee as Ebola patient escapes Liberia quarantine centre in search of food in their village causing widespread panic.

Watch dramatic moment desperate Ebola victim makes bid for freedom before being wrestled back into quarantine truck.

This shocking footage shows the moment a man believed to be suffering from Ebola jumps from the back of a moving truck in an apparent escape bid.

He is then filmed being thrown back in to the vehicle by men wearing protective suits.

Africa which is currently in the grip of an Ebola epidemic.

The deadly disease has claimed the lives of more than 1,200 people since the outbreak began.

The World Health Organisation has warned as many as 20,000 people could be infected before the outbreak is over.

Hero nurse Will Pooley was Britain's first known case of the disease, after working with Ebola patients in Sierra Leone.

The deadly virus is believed to be caused by wild animals (specifically fruit bats) coming into contact with humans.

Outbreaks of Ebola have a 90% fatality rate and there is no known vaccine or treatment.

A video has emerged from Liberia showing the terrifying moment an Ebola patient escaped from a truck which was taking him to quarantine.

The patient is then recaptured by men wearing protective suits who bundle him back into the truck.

Ebola is extremely contagious and has killed over one thousand people in West Africa since March.



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