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Monday, September 15, 2014

Ebola Visits Schools

The fear of Ebola is taking our bliss from us.

And our mighty doctors whom we wished to cage this mighty killer of joy and bliss are no match for this monster.

No anti-dote, no weapon fashioned against the soundless sound and furious fury of the blood-thirsty beast has proved to be effective so far.

Yet there are some persons among us who we can rightly call verbalists whose verbalism is being misplaced and misapplied as vermicide against the vermicular virus of the veritable manufacturer of verminous death.

What veritable swine they are! What veritable swine they are to dare Ebola in his verboten den! And who are these swine? Who are these veritable swine of veritable swine?

They call themselves private school owners. They are the verbalists whose verbalism was put to misuse recently when the Federal Government correctly postponed the resumption date for primary and secondary schools and colleges all over the country until Monday, September 22 on account of Mr. Ebola, the scourge beast.

As The Guardian reported it as one of its front page stories on Wednesday, September 10, 2014, “private school owners have vehemently opposed the one-month shift, a development that compelled the ministry to bring resumption forward to September, 22, 2014, after an interface with stake-holders in the sector.”

The reason the private school owners have “vehemently opposed the one-month shift” is not far to find.

Their greedy hearts are responsible for the inevitable result of their vehement opposition against the common happiness and well-being of the pupils and students who attend their schools, and the teachers who teach in the schools.

The greedy expectation and delayed fulfillment of perfumed dreams which atrocious school fees they rake as rake-hells from pupils and students inevitably informed the uncanny posture of the private proprietors of schools and colleges.

The Nigerian Medical Association, parents and teachers nation-wide must resist these resisting rajahs of private schools and colleges.

The Federal Government should equally resist them with vehemence that is more vehement than the vehemence with which the opposing rajahs opposed the one-month shift.

In fact, the schools and colleges must remain closed as they are presently until there is veritable proof that Mr. Ebola’s fangs have their venom no more.

Who is foolish enough to believe that a venomous snake-bite is un-preferable to Ebola’s venom?

Personally, if I am given a choice between a venomous snake-bite and the venom of Ebola, without question, I will accept a venomous snake-bite.

At least, the doctor is there to give me first-aid to counter the venom of a snake-bite with every assurance of my sense of living. Continue reading

SOURCE Tribune


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