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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Sitting Toilets Pose a Danger to Health

Toilets are a lot of things that might be forgotten. And this is related to comfort us during defecation.

During this time, we recognize two types of toilet is the toilet seat and squat toilets. It turned out that both have advantages and disadvantages of each. So, which one will we use? It depends on the needs and the needs of the wearer.

Toilets were created to allow people to defecate without the need to find a river. The main idea is to create a private place where people can dispose of dirt and water it until the dirt is carried into the rinse water drain. But in its development, the toilet is also designed to adjust the comfort needs of its users.

In Asia who prefer a natural position defecate squat, squat toilets are more than a toilet seat. This condition is turned in the West who prefer toilet seat.

Minimize Risk of hemorrhoid

Squat toilets can indeed be advisable in some people. People with risk of hemorrhoid example, squat toilets is recommended because hemorrhoid triggers to reduce the risk.

Squat toilets is said to help maximize abdominal muscle contraction when the defecation process underway.

Maximal contraction of abdominal muscles makes pushing a greater power so that the process was more rapid defecate completed.

This rapid process that minimize the risk of hemorrhoid. If the process is long, the muscles and veins around the anus become stretched maximally. In addition, prolonged sitting position (on the use of the toilet seat, ed.)

May cause thigh pressing on the seat so that the blood flow from bottom to top is more inhibited. This then makes hemorrhoid easily triggered.

Besides good for hemorrhoid sufferers, squat toilets are also minimize the risk of urinary tract and genital infections, especially in women.

Risk transfer of fungi, bacteria and flagelata cause of this whiteness, capable suppressed by the absence of surface attached or too close to the urinary tract.
Not Suitable for Arthritis

Although the squat toilet is said to have many positive sides to health, but squat toilets are not suitable for people with arthritis (knee problems).

Squatting position which gives a lot of pull on the knee, of course, would torture people with arthritis, a knee wedge and easily tired.

Pregnant Favorites

When using the toilet seat, people often feel more comfortable because not a lot of pull on the knee that causes fatigue.

Toilet seat was a favorite for pregnant women, the elderly, people with arthritis also lead to obesity because of minimal discomfort in both knees and abdomen.

Infection Germs Beware!

When you sit on the toilet, in addition to the foot attached to the floor, thighs and buttocks unavoidable stick on the toilet seat.

This is a potential transfer of infectious germs and viruses attached to the surface of the toilet. If less hygienic, the infection can move into the urinary tract and female genitalia.

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