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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Genital Arousal Disorder Causes Arizona Mother To Experience 180 Orgasms In 2 Hours?

180 Orgasms In 2 Hours?

Cara Anaya-Carlisi, 30, has been unable to find work or even leave her house after she was diagnosed with a rare condition that results in around six hours of sexual arousal each day. 

The mother from Arizona said her battle with persistent genital arousal disorder “is embarrassing and confusing and humiliating.” 

She explained that one time her condition caused her to experience over 180 orgasms in only two hours.

“When you are around children you feel like a pervert because you have all these really strong feelings rushing through your body at the same time,” Anaya-Carlisi told Barcroft Media.

 “So imagine you can’t help out in class or go on school trips because the kids don’t understand, the parents don’t understand.”

Due to intense waves of pleasure that she said are “ruining her life,” Anaya-Carlisi avoids being in public spaces or being a part of her son’s activities, even dropping him off at school.

She and her husband, Tony Carlisi, are afraid to tell their 10-year-old son Merrick about his mother’s condition because they don’t want him to be ostracized by other kids his age.

She is also worried about telling potential employers about the disorder, which has hindered her chances of getting a job.

Anaya-Carlisi said she fears if her episodes continue, they will put a strain on her marriage. She constantly desires affection, intimacy, and physical contact with her husband because of the amount of hormones in her body.


She also suffers from dehydration, injured knees and ankles, and exhaustion caused by a lack of sleep. She hasn’t worn high heels in three years over fear of when an intense orgasm will take place.

Although rare, persistent genital arousal disorder is not unheard of. Wisconsin man Dale Decker said the 100 orgasms he suffers on a daily basis are “disgusting and horrendous.”

Decker began experiencing between 30 to 40 erections and dozens of orgasms each day after slipping a herniated disk. Doctors fear his accident may have affected nerves near his vertebrae.

Like Anaya-Carlisi, Decker is embarrassed to go out in public and said his condition has had a negative impact on his marriage.



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