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Monday, December 15, 2014

Fart Smells Are Protecting Our Bodies From Possible Disease

Passing gas, farts, toots, flatus, intestinal gas, or whatever you prefer to call it, are a natural part of your digestive process. 

When you eat, you don’t just swallow food but you also swallow air, which contains nitrogen and oxygen. 

These small bubbles of gas, according to Chemist Anne Marie Helmenstine, make their way through your body and mix with hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and methane along the way. 

The only way they can escape the body is by releasing out of your rear end (tush, behind, you get where we're going with this) and into the air we breathe.

Grossed out yet? The human race releases 70 billion farts every single day, about 10 of which you have to own up to. But why don’t our farts bother us as much as the rest of the worlds?

The guys at AsapSCIENCE produce a video each week that aims to answer all different types of “quirky and mind-blowing science” questions, and they’ve dedicated one entirely to farts.


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