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Monday, December 29, 2014

Woman Dies After Doctors Remove Crack Pipe From Vagina

April Rollison, 31, from Sebring, Florida., was arrested in Babson Park for drug possession on Dec. 16 and was taken to Polk County Jail, where a body scan revealed two “foreign bodies” in her body cavity — a glass bottle with 2 grams of cocaine.

She was taken to a Bartow Regional Medical Center, where she was suspected to have removed the cocaine herself before doctors retrieved the glass pipe from vaginal area.

"While the nurse was getting the bedpan ... she was able to remove it from her personal area," said Scott Wilder, a spokesman for the Polk County Sheriff's Office, The Ledger of Lakeland reported.

The nurse at the hospital found a bottle and white substance on the toilet floor, which was later confirmed to be cocaine. Officials believe Rollison removed the bottle containing cocaine from inside her private part and ingested some of its contents before doctors proceeded with the foreign body removal.

After being booked, Polk County Fire Rescue took Rollison back to Bartow Regional, where she remained in critical condition, after she experienced medical distress. Preliminary tests showed Rollison tested positive for methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine, and marijuana.

The Sheriff’s Office does not know whether some of the crack was absorbed into her system through her stomach or some other way, but an autopsy by the Polk County Medical Examiner will determine her cause of death.

Rollison’s family members told investigators she has been using drugs since age 12, and they have not had any contact with her in two years, Bay News 9 reported. 

Rollison’s case is just one of the many cases where women have lodged drug paraphernalia in their vaginal area.

In 2013, Jeana Marie Smart was found with a broken crack pipe and a capped syringe hidden in her vagina after rear-ending a car in Fargo, N.D. She was arrested when officials found she failed to appear in court on a drugs warrant. CONTINUE READING


It was during a cavity body search in jail where blood was discovered by Officer Michael Benton not only in Smart’s car seat, but also her vaginal area from the broken crack pipe, The Huffington Post reported.


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