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Saturday, January 17, 2015

Shocking Answers From Nigerians On Abortion

Abortion is one of the most controversial global topics. Do Nigerians go for or against abortion. Questions thrown to Nigerians are responded...................

The decision to have an abortion is for a variety of personal reasons sometimes the woman is not prepared to care for a child or simply does not have the money, said a m man.

However,some women would rather have an illegitimate child than face the disgrace of an abortion. It is therefore a delicate subject but there are judgemental opinions on both sides of the argument.

“Abortion is just like you’re killing someone, you’re a star, you’re killing the president, and you’re killing the king. You’re killing someone that God has given to you as a free gift,” said one man.
Many Nigerians publicly believe abortion is against their religion:

“It is a sin” declared one man.
“Ah-ha, I am against abortion” said one woman. “Definitely I will be against it” agreed her friend.

What if a woman is raped:

“There is nothing that happens that God is not aware about, for a lady to be raped, God is aware of it, there is a purpose….she will deliver the baby” stated one man.

But what if it were your wife?

“She will deliver the baby,” the man replied confidently,

Perhaps surprisingly, many women themselves would not have an abortion when it comes to a rape case.

“I will accept it as my fate, and take care of the child” said one lady smilingly.
But privately people may act otherwise, especially if the circumstances are not so straight-forward. We did meet someone who shared quite opposite views on the matter.

“I am for abortion, because maybe the person that impregnated them is an armed robber or maybe by mistake, As in, they should surely abort the baby!” she proclaimed.

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