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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Student Helps Teacher Get a New Kidney

When Amy Waggoner saw a post by bestselling author Brad Meltzer asking for help, she didn't hesitate to act. 

Waggoner, who had met Meltzer years earlier, saw his Facebook post that read, “Want to save my history teacher’s life and get your name in my next thriller?”

Waggoner was asking people to consider becoming a living donor to help his former history teacher Ellen Sherman. Waggoner said she knew immediately she wanted to help and called Waggoner to get started.

"When a friend asked for help ... you help," said Waggoner, of Chantilly, Virginia.
"I think he was holding his breath a little bit," said Waggoner, who explained a previous donor was unable to donate after doctor found a tumor. 

Meltzer had asked for help for his former teacher Ellen Sherman, who taught the best-selling mystery author in high school. While Sherman was initially told she need to have a new kidney in 2013, it wasn't until Waggoner contacted Meltzer this year, that she was able to get the transplant. 

"I had two corneal transplants myself, this was paying it forward a little bit," Waggoner told ABC News.After undergoing a battery of tests Waggoner arrived in Miami to prep for the surgery. In spite of how serious the procedure can be, she said she felt very calm about her decision. 

"I was very zen, through the whole process," Waggoner told ABC News. "I wasn’t nervous or apprehensive. It felt like what I had to do." 

Waggoner said after meeting Sherman she felt even better about her decision.
"As soon as I met her in the lobby of the restaurant, I knew right then we were going to get along," said Waggoner. 

Sherman told ABC News affiliate WPLG-TV in Miami, that Waggoner was her "hero, my savior, my new friend for life" after meeting her. 

Two weeks ago, doctors were able to successfully transplant Waggoner's kidney into Sherman. Waggoner said she was able to recover fairly quickly and even visted Sherman hours after the surgery. 

"The temperature in her hands was normal finally," said Waggoner. "She had this big smile on her face,it warmed my heart."
As Waggoner stayed in Florida to recover the pair have gotten even closer. 

"It’s more than friendship now, it’s family," said Waggoner. "We’re all family. My parents have adopted them into the family and vice versa." 

Meltzer is also holding up his end of the bargain and plans on introducing a new character in his next book with Waggoner's name, according to ABC News affiliate WPLG-TV in Miami.



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