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Sunday, January 30, 2022

You Might Have Been Infected With COVID-19 And Didnt Notice

The Delta variant and those that preceded Omicron were characterized by series of symptoms such as persistent cough, fever and loss of taste and smell. 

Omicron seems to be more difficult to diagnose thanks to quite generic symptoms that can easily resemble the flu. , a cold or a simple sore throat that is usually caused by a change in weather or the use of air conditioning.

Fatigue, another of the manifestations of the disease, can be difficult to assess if it occurs without any other symptom. Who is not tired with the pace of life we ​​lead?

Below are signs that someone may have been unknowingly infected.

1. The symptoms of Ómicron are mild in people with a complete vaccination schedule. Thus, some people have no noticeable symptoms. If you didn’t feel sick enough to get tested, you may have had coronavirus and recovered without knowing it.

2. If someone had a fever for days, cough and weakness, but thought it was the flu, it could have been Ómricon since doctors are seeing cases of flurone, a simultaneous infection of flu and coronavirus.

Dr. Nadav Davidovich, director of the Ben-Gurion University School of Public Health and a member of the epidemiology team advising the Israeli Ministry of Health on the virus, told CNN that Israel is currently experiencing a high incidence of influenza in parallel with an increase in morbidity.

It so happens that both are viruses that damage the respiratory system and cause overlapping symptoms: cough, runny nose, sore throat, fever, headache and tiredness. Both are also spread and equally contagious through droplet fragments emitted into the air and spread when a sick person speaks, breathes, or coughs.

3. If you notice unusual hair loss, it could be because you had the virus. A study published in The Lancet found that 22% of COVID-19 patients experience hair loss within six months of infection, with women at higher risk.

The researchers, who examined a range of long-term symptoms of the virus, found that 359 of 1,655 patients in Wuhan suffered from hair loss. According to their findings, hair loss is a main symptom of long-term COVID-19, along with fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, and joint pain, according to The Jerusalem Post.

4. If all members of a family were sick except one, it is possible that they were infected and did not know it. Many infected people have mild or no symptoms, and Omicron reportedly produces even milder symptoms than other variants, especially in vaccinated people.

5. Coronavirus is a respiratory disease, but not everyone coughs or has typical symptoms: for some, diarrhea may be the first and only sign of infection. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) addressed this symptom and added it to the list of a wide range of symptoms.

According to a report by NBC Chicago, people with a weakened immune system or immunosuppression are more likely to experience diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms after Omicron infection. Experts at Johns Hopkins Hospital also noted that around 20% may have diarrhea soon after infection.

6. Eye inflammation, or conjunctivitis, can be a symptom of coronavirus, but it’s very rare, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Reports of red eyes as a sign of coronavirus began in late March, when Chelsea Ernest, a nurse who worked in sheltered housing where 50 of 180 residents contracted the virus and 37 died, said all of the virus patients had red eyes. 

She told CNN that this is something she has seen in everyone. “Her eyes of hers seemed to be suffering from allergies,” she-described. We had patients whose red eyes were the only symptom we saw, and they went to the hospital and died there.”

7. A small Spanish study found five types of skin rashes, including what they call COVID toe, that were seen in patients in different hospitals. According to the findings, the rash appears mainly in young patients and tends to remain for several days. Although a rash is a well-known symptom of some viruses, the researchers said they were surprised to see a large number and variety of rash types in coronavirus patients.

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