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Saturday, August 19, 2023

Healthy Diet, Reading, And Having Exercises Promote Reasoning In Kids

Reasoning in kids is key and very important in learning and also their daily activities. 

Recent study which was conducted at the University of Eastern Finland, stated to have improved the diet quality and reduced consumption of red meat, as well as increased time spent in reading and organised sports enhanced reasoning skills among children over the first two school years.

"Children with healthier eating habits showed greater cognitive development than other children.

Diet quality, lower red meat consumption, and higher low-fat dairy product intake were linked to better reasoning skills," says Doctoral Researcher Sehrish Naveed of the University of Eastern Finland.

Children who spent more time in reading and organised sports showed better reasoning skills than their peers. 

More time spent on a computer system and unsupervised leisure-time physical activity were associated with poorer reasoning skills.

"In the lives of growing children, diet and physical activity intervention is just one factor influencing lifestyle and reasoning skills. 

Based on research, investing in a healthy diet and encouraging children to read are beneficial for the development of reasoning skills among children.


Materials issued by University of Eastern Finland.

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