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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Hot chocolate pudding

Imagine having hot chocolate pudding in one hand while you are snuggled in a blanket on a cold, windy or rainy day with a book in the other hand and the aroma of blissful chocolate surrounding you as you gorge on the magical pudding and read your favorite book.

Here's the simple recipe to get started with the heavenly hot chocolate pudding.

(Serves 6, Prep 20 min)
2 large egg
2 1/4 cups low-fat milk, divided
2/3 cup sugar, divided
1/8 tsp salt
2/3 cup cocoa powder
2 tbsp corn-starch
1 tsp vanilla essence

- In one bowl whisk one egg lightly with a fork. Add the 1 1/2 cup milk and the 1/3 cup sugar that was divided and add the salt in the bowl. Mix well and transfer into a medium bowl. Bring the mixture to a simmer over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

- Meanwhile, in the remaining 3/4 cup milk whisk the remaining 1/3 cup sugar, cocoa and corn-starch in another medium bowl.

- Now whisk the simmering milk mixture into the other cocoa mixture. Pour the mixture back into the pan and bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly until thick and glossy for about 3 minutes. Remove from heat.

- Whisk about 1 cup of the hot cocoa mixture into the other beaten egg. Return the egg mixture to the pan and cook over medium-low heat, whisking constantly, until steaming and thickened for about 2 minutes making sure it doesn't come to a boil.

- Lightly fold in the vanilla essence and serve warm.

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