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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Exercise for a fit body

Vigorous exercise does not only make you stay fit but also help you in not growing fat. Here's how...

Doing strenuous exercises is the best way to burn off excess calories, but its benefits may go way deeper changing how fat is stored in the first place, according to Swedish scientists.

According to the experts, six months of regular exercise such as cycling or aerobics changes the action of genes involved in laying down fat and the development of obesity. It also reduces the activity of genes involved in storing sugar from the blood in fat cells.

How exercise helps your body

It controls weight: Exercise is known to prevent excess weight gain and maintain weight loss. Further when you engage in exercise it helps you burn excess calories over a period of time. The more intensely you workout, the more fat you'll burn. You don't ideally need to workout for hours and hours, just one hour of exercise a day is more than enough.

Controls diseases: One of the several benefits associated with exercise is that it prevents diseases such as diabetes, heart attack, cancer and arthritis.

It improves your mood: Apart from preventing lifestyle related diseases and aiding in weight loss, exercise also helps you to stay refreshed and relaxed. Whenever you need an emotional lift, always exercise. It stimulates your brain and leaves you feeling happier and more tranquil, which in turn boosts your confidence and improves your self esteem.

It boosts energy: Do you always feel tired or lack enthusiasm at all times? Regular physical activity has said to improve your muscle strength and boost your endurance. Physical exercise delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and helps your cardiovascular system work more efficiently, thus building more energy.

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