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Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Small Pox: Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Smallpox is associated by a virus, which is known as ‘variola’. They can occur in the form of thousands of pus-filled blisters on the arms, face, legs and other parts of the body. It is different from chicken pox.

It is easily transmitted from one person to another person through infected saliva.
There are two kind of smallpox- Variola major and Variola minor. Variola major has also subtypes such as ordinary, modified, flat and hemorrhagic smallpox. Variola major is very common in children and it can be developed with high fever and extensive rashes.

Although, variola minor is less common amongst children and less severe health condition with historically of less than 1% death rates. It may spread through contaminated objects such as towel, clothes or bed and direct contact with infected bodily fluids.


The main cause of smallpox is infection of virus. It could be transferred from one person to other person from sharing the objects such as utensils, books, blankets or other contaminated objects. Variola virus enters the body through the breathing tract. And then, it can be moved through the bloodstream.

Signs and symptoms of smallpox

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Convulsions
  • Vomiting
  • Hoarseness
  • Hypotonia
  • Headache
  • Backache
  • Prostration
  • Excessive fatigue
  • Blisters with red in color and pus-filled


Small Pox Physical examination will be recommended by the health care providers to recognize the smallpox. It can also detect by a blood test.
For blood test, a small sample will be taken by the doctor and send it to laboratory for examines under an electron microscope. Doctor can also diagnose smallpox by appearance of the skin lesions.


There is no cure available to treat the smallpox. There are no medicines that can reduce smallpox. But researchers are tried to make medicine for treatment of smallpox. Sometimes, getting the vaccine can lessen the signs and symptoms of smallpox. In severe cases, specific treatment will be given by the doctor based on extent of the condition, medical history, age and overall health of patients.


The best way to prevent this disease is vaccination. Before developing the smallpox, vaccine may help to protect them completely. If some one has a rash, vaccination will not be effective for smallpox.
People can protect their self and their family member by follow the instructions of public health authorities. People should stay away the person with smallpox.
If someone has signs and symptoms of smallpox, consult to the health care providers immediately.


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