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Friday, August 22, 2014

What A Cruel World; A New Born Baby Girl Found In Canal (Pictures)

It was 7 a.m on Thursday 21st 2014 when the cry of the newly born baby alerted a good Samaritan who immediately alerted the compound close to the canal in Ajangbadi a suburb area
The landlord of the compound ( name not disclosed) came out and took the baby immediately whose ants have bitten deeply into her skin and eyes. See........

What A Cruel World; A New Born Baby Girl Found In Canal (Pictures)
 the baby's face bitten by ants

She was rushed to the hospital near-by where she was attended to. Later in the evening the good Samaritan took her to the Ajangbadi police station to have a police report which was later given after hundreds of on-lookers came over to see.

 The baby after bathing

Our correspondent was able to talk to the good Samaritan who voiced out that some people immediately after hearing of the newly dumped child was quickly to offer thousands to millions of Naira to buy the baby but he refused and involved the police.

 the baby girl

 The point where she was dumped

The canal
Since then she has been taken to the welfare home.


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