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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Cosmetic Surgery For Vaginas Has Risen In Popularity Among Young Women: Why?

The National Health Service (NHS) has performed five times as many labiaplasties since 2001, making it the most popular request by women 18 to 24 years of age.

Each year, an average of 1,150 women had undergone labia reduction surgery in the past four years in order to create a “designer vagina” to conform to what they believe a normal vagina should look like.

According to a study published in December 2013 from the University of Queensland, women don’t realize how much vagina appearances can vary.

After showing women images of surgically modified vaginas and non-surgically modified vaginas, women were more likely to believe the surgically modified labia was “normal” and “society’s ideal.”

“The rise in genital cosmetic surgery for women is a very worrying trend,” the study's lead researcher, Claire Moran said in a press release.

The data was released by UK-based Transform Cosmetic Surgery, who wrote on their website, “cosmetic surgery isn’t just about enhancing the way we look. It’s about making us feel better about ourselves too.”

They go on to say they want to disseminate the stigma of talking about surgery for the vagina, and encourage people to stop feeling embarrassed when they inquire about a labia reduction surgery. The labia comprises the inner and outer folds of the vagina.

The labia majora are the larger, outer lips that serve as the first wall of protection, while the labia minora is the smaller inside flap. CONTINUE READING



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