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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Little-Known Causes Of Erectile Dysfunction

Chronic diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle have long been touted as underlying causes of erectile dysfunction.

There are also lesser known, and OK, sometimes weird, causes of erectile dysfunction, too. Here are eight more to watch out for.

You Watch Too Much Porn

In a 2013 survey from adult site PornHub, millions of men were watching porn per hour. And according to The Kinsey Institute, 9 percent of surveyed men were unable to stop.

Excessive pornography is associated with lower self-esteem, poorer relationship quality, and lower sexual satisfaction.

The American Psychological Association even cited a study from Brigham Young University and the University of Missouri that found men's use of porn was associated with lower sexual quality for both men and their partners.

Sexual health professionals are available to help men and their partners address a potential porn addiction, as well as the healthy steps to restore relationship quality.

You Don’t Get Enough D

Vitamin D, that is. Don’t be gross. According to Dr. Erin D. Michos, an assistant professor of medicine at the John Hopkins Hospital, “a growing number of studies point to vitamin D deficiency as a risk factor for heart attacks, congestive heart failure, peripheral arterial disease (PAD), strokes, and the conditions associated with cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure and diabetes.”

And since heart disease is a well-reported cause of ED (symptoms restrict blood flow and harden arteries), it makes sense some studies have linked D deficiency to the disorder, too.

Apart from soaking up a safe amount of sun, vitamin D is better sourced from food than supplements. Salmon, fortified milk, fortified cereal, eggs, mushrooms, small servings of pork and beef, as well as ricotta cheese are the way to go. CONTINUE READING


1 comment:

  1. Regular exercising your PC (pubococcygeus) muscles can help delay ejaculation. PC muscles are found both in sexes. This muscle controls the ejaculation courses.

    If you have a strong PC muscle, you can learn how to inhibit ejaculation in certain ways. When you are about to ejaculate, you would stop all the sexual stimulation and would stretch your PC muscle for several seconds.


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