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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Actress Raised Breast Surgery Awareness

Angelina Jolie Pitt's breast surgery increased women's awareness of reconstructive breast surgery options, according to a new study from Austria.
Many researchers and media stories have speculated this, but the new research is the first prospective, scientific study to look at the impact of Jolie Pitt's announcement, the researchers said.

Jolie Pitt made headlines in May 2013 was she announced that she had undergone a double mastectomy because she had tested positive for a mutation in the BRCA1 gene.

Such a mutation significantly increases risk of breast cancer, and Jolie Pitt wanted to prevent herself from getting the disease. Her announcement generated considerable media attention.

In the new study, researchers found that after Jolie Pitt's announcement, 92.6 percent of women in the study said they knew that breast reconstruction was an option after a mastectomy, up from 88.9 percent who said the same in a poll that was done shortly before her announcement.

The "post-Angelina" poll found that 68.9 percent of participants were aware of this possibility, up from 57.6 percent in the "pre-Angelina" poll, according to the study.

The largest increase the researchers observed was in women's awareness that breast reconstruction surgery can be done during same operation as the breast-removal surgery.

In the second poll, 59.5 percent of participants said they were aware that both surgeries could be done together, up from 40.5 percent in the first poll, according to the study. CONTINUE READING



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