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Thursday, June 22, 2017

Children Should Be Protected From Online Cosmetic Surgery Apps

Children as young as nine are the target of cosmetic surgery apps and makeover games that are likely to make them feel dissatisfied with their own faces and bodies, a new report warns.

The Nuffield Council on Bioethics is calling for social media sites to investigate the apps and take them down, warning that they have a pernicious effect on the young, who may be tempted to go under the knife.

“We’ve been shocked by some of the evidence we’ve seen, including makeover apps and cosmetic surgery ‘games’ that target girls as young as nine,” said Jeanette Edwards, professor of social anthropology at the University of Manchester, who chaired the council’s inquiry.

“There is a daily bombardment from advertising and through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat that relentlessly promote unrealistic and often discriminatory messages on how people, especially girls and women, ‘should’ look,” said Edwards.

Apps and online games are available that encourage girls to play at plastic surgery. Some, such as Plastic Surgery Princess and Plastic Surgery Simulator, allow them to alter the image of their own face and body.

Others, such as Dream Cosmetic Surgery are games featuring an “ugly” princess or “fat” woman who can be made beautiful if she goes under the knife.

A pressure group called Endangered Bodies has more than 20,000 signatures for a petition calling on Apple, Google and Amazon to remove the apps. The Nuffield Council said it was in full support.


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