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Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Dangers Of Hard Drugs On Our Health

Tobacco contains carcinogenic chemicals like nicotine that can lead to different kinds of cancer such as lung cancer, mouth cancer, throat cancer, esophageal cancer, and cancer of the bladder. 

The more the addiction to smoking, the higher the risk to cancerous health.

Marijuana contains THC which can bring in short-term memory even memory loss, reduction in understanding, attention and learning. 

Been addicted to Marijuana from adolescence age may cause brain damage or affect development and cognition. 

Psychosis involves losing touch with reality through hallucinations, delusions, or disorganized thinking. 

High concentrations of THC in marijuana strains may trigger psychotics in susceptible individuals, but researchers are still on the event of getting the causes.

Tramadol is known to be used as a painkiller. When this is abused it can cause confusion, anxiety, and hallucinations. 

"Skunk" is seen as having a traits of marijuana with high THC levels. 

Smoking any type of marijuana can destroy lung tissue and create respiratory problems like severe cough, wheezing, and increased infection risk. It may pose higher risks.

Rohypnol ("roofies") can cause anterograde amnesia or trouble forming new memories, when abused. 

It is also associated with forgetfulness, that is unable to remember anything that unfold.

Ecstasy (MDMA) can trigger seizures, especially been abused, but the researchers are yet to determine the mechanism of this. But it's at higher risk when combined with other stimulants.

High doses of codeine and other opioids depress respiratory function and can lead to coma or even death. This risk is gingered when taken with other sedatives like alcohol.

Cocaine constricts blood vessels in the brain, which can cause strokes, seizures, severe headaches, and other damage with chronic use.

Nitrous oxide inactivates vitamin B12 which can lead to nerve damage over time. 

This risk can be reduced by supplementing B12. 11. PCP can cause a toxic psychosis with delusions, hallucinations, and agitation which resembles schizophrenia. 

These psychotic effects are temporary and resolve after the drug wears off. 

All the above substances are at higher risks than we thought. 
High dosage and frequency of use can also play a  role.


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