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Friday, July 05, 2013

Designer Drugs Take Over Heroine, Marijuana

A report by the United Nations on drugs has shown a sharp increase in the use of prescription drugs and so-called “designer drugs” posing threats to public health.

The report also said that there has been a decline in the use of traditional drugs such as heroin and cocaine in some parts of the world and even some stability in the use of marijuana in Nigeria but the abuse of chemical substances and prescription drugs persists.

The chairman of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), Ahmadu Giade says the incursion of foreign drug cartels into the country is also a bigger challenge.

The 2013 World Drug Report of the United Nations office on drugs and crime has shown an overall global stability in the abuse of drugs though some increase in the total number of users.

But more worrisome is the use of New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) also referred to as designer drugs besides the more popular cocaine and heroin. These drugs, which have street names such as “spice,” “meow-meow” and “bath salts,” are sold openly and online.

The report further stated that cannabis or marijuana remains the major substance of abuse but the designer drugs are catching up with the discovery of five clandestine laboratories used for the illicit production of methamphetamine within the past two years.

The report also points that sub-Sahara Africa will remain a porous transit routes for drug trafficking without clear strategies to stop the trend.


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