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Friday, July 05, 2013

Market Women undergo breast cancer screening in Sierra Leone

An education programme on the dangers associated with the deadly breast cancer was held recently at the Garrison Street market, which attracted hundreds of market women and stakeholders of the community and its immediate environs.

The programme aimed at sensitising the market women dealing in food and non-food items. It was organised by the Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation situated at 11 Percival Street in Freetown, who is targeting all the markets in the western area with about 4,000 market women expected to benefit from the project at a free cost as part of their awareness and advocacy campaign on breast cancer.

Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation succeeded to screen, and diagnose and counsel 165 market women;  out of this number 20 were discovered to have breast cancer abnormalities and were referred for further self breast cancer and clinical examinations.

According to the founder and CEO of Thinking Pink Breast Cancer Foundation, Mrs. Cremelda Parkinson Pratt, she said they do not want women to get left behind in the fight against breast cancer and their main purpose is creating awareness about the existence of the disease and its effects on human beings, particularly the women.

Mrs. Pratt said her organization has been involved in the education and treatment of persons with breast cancer for the past four years and indicated that the disease posed serious threats to many Sierra Leoneans.
According to her, the only way to detect the disease was to undergo screening.
One of the market women Madam Aminata Conteh thanked Mrs. Pratt for their concern to them, noting Thinking Pink really cares for the market women and assured them on behalf of the market women that they will adhere to the advice given to them.


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