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Saturday, November 22, 2014

Antioxidant in Coffee May Protect Against Obesity

Past research has shown coffee is packed with antioxidants and their subsequent benefits, potentially preventing conditions like cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.

Now, a new study suggests a chemical compound found in coffee might protect against a host of obesity-related diseases, as well.
So, what’s this buzzy nutrient in your cup of joe?

It’s a potent antioxidant called chlorogenic acid (CGA), which scientists focused on in a new study published in Pharmaceutical Research. 

For 15 weeks, the researchers fed mice a high-fat diet while also injecting them with a chlorogenic acid solution twice a week. Not only did the CGA prevent the mice from gaining weight during the test period, but the effects against obesity were also promising.

“We found that CGA significantly blocked the development of high fat diet-induced obesity, and in the meantime, CGA treatment curbed obesity-related metabolic syndrome, such as fatty liver and insulin resistance,” lead study author Yongjie Ma, a postdoctoral research associate in University of Georgia’s College of Pharmacy, told Yahoo Health.

“Coffee is one of the most widely-consumed beverages, and has shown benefits to lower the risk of developing chronic diseases, such as type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and cancer,” he said. “We tried to find the component in coffee which exerts these effects.”

Zeroing in on CGA to counter the negative effects of obesity-related conditions makes sense, as scientists have suspected CGA helps reduce inflammation, and obesity-related illnesses often result in chronic inflammation. 

Ma hopes the research is a first step in developing better treatments for a growing problem. However, there are a couple caveats to the study. First off, the researchers worked with mice. 

Secondly, they injected the mice with a high dose of CGA, a lot more than you’d get in a standard cup of java. 



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