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Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Skin Rashes

Common Rashes

Seborrheic dermatitis: Seborrheic dermatitis is the single most common rash affecting adults. It produces a red, scaling eruption that characteristically affects the scalp, forehead, brows, cheeks, and external ears.

Atopic dermatitis: Atopic dermatitis, known as eczema, is a common disorder of childhood which produces red, itchy, weeping rashes on the inner aspects of the elbows and in back of the knees as well as the cheeks, neck, wrists, and ankles. It is commonly found in patients who also have asthma and hay fever.

Contact dermatitis: This is a rash that is brought on either by contact with a specific chemical to which the patient is uniquely allergic or with a substance that directly irritates the skin. Some chemicals are both irritants and allergens. This rash is also occasionally weepy and oozy and affects the parts of the skin which have come in direct contact with the offending substance. Common examples of contact dermatitis caused by allergy are poison ivy or poison oak and reactions to costume jewelry containing nickel.

Diaper rash: This is a common type of contact dermatitis that occurs in most infants who wear diapers when feces and urine are in contact with skin for too long.

Stasis dermatitis: This is a weepy, oozy dermatitis that occurs on the lower legs of individual who have chronic swelling because of poor circulation in veins.

Psoriasis: This bumpy scaling eruption never weeps or oozes and tends to occur on the scalp, elbows, and knees. It leads to silvery flakes of skin that scale and fall off.

Nummular eczema: This is a weepy, oozy dermatitis that tends to occur a coin-shaped plaques in the winter time and is associated with very dry skin.

How is skin rashes diagnosed?

The term rash has no precise meaning but it is used to refer to a wide variety of skin disorders. A rash is any inflammatory condition of the skin. There are various terms to describe skin rashes. The first requirement is to identify a primary and then other characteristics of the rash are noted including density, color, size, consistency, tenderness, shape, and perhaps temperature.

Finally, the distribution of the rash on the body can be very useful in diagnosis since many skin diseases have a pre-dilection to appear in certain body areas. Although certain findings may be a very dramatic component of the skin disorder, they may be of limited value in producing an accurate diagnosis. These include findings such as ulcers, scaling, and scabbing. Using this framework, it is often possible to develop a small listing of the possible diseases to be considered. Below is a short discussion of some common categories of skin rashes:
  • Noninfectious, common rashes localized to a particular anatomical areas
  • Rashes produced by fungal or bacterial infection
  • Widely distributed rashes affecting large portions of the skin
Although most rashes are seldom signs of immediate impending doom, self-diagnosis is not usually a good idea. Rashes that quickly resolve are generally not dangerous. Proper evaluation of a skin rash requires a visit to a doctor or other health-care professional

Scaly Skin produced by fungal or bacterial infection

Fungal infections

Fungal infections are fairly common but don't appear nearly as often as rashes in the eczema category. Perhaps the most common diagnostic mistake made by both patients and non-dermatology physicians is to almost automatically call scaly rashes "a fungus." For instance, someone with several scaly spots on the arms, legs, or torso is much more likely to have a form of eczema or dermatitis than actual ringworm.

Likewise, yeasts are botanically related to fungi and can cause skin rashes. These tend to affect folds of skin. They look fiery red and have pustules around the edges. As is the case with ringworm, many rashes that are no more than eczema or irritation get labeled "yeast infections."

Fungus and yeast infections have little to do with hygiene. Despite their reputation, fungal rashes are not commonly caught from dogs or other animals, nor are they easily transmitted in gyms, showers, pools, or locker rooms. In most cases, they are not highly contagious between people either.

Treatment is usually straightforward. Many effective antifungal creams can be bought at the drugstore without a prescription, including 1% clotrimazole and 1% terbinafine. In extensive cases, or when toe nails are involved, oral terbinafine may be useful.

If a fungus has been repeatedly treated without success, it is worthwhile considering the possibility that it was never really a fungus to begin with but rather a form of eczema that should be treated entirely differently. A fungal infection can be independently confirmed by performing a variety of simple tests.

Bacterial infections:

The most common bacterial infection of the skin is impetigo. Impetigo is caused by staph or strep germs and is much more common in children than adults. Eruptions caused by bacteria are often pustular or may be plaque-like and quite painful (cellulitis). Again, poor hygiene plays little or no role. Non-prescription antibacterial creams like bacitracin or Neosporin are not very effective. Oral antibiotics or prescription-strength creams like mupirocin or Bactroban are usually needed.

Rashes affecting large portions of the skin

The outbreaks of this sort are usually either viral or allergic.
Viral rash:

While viral infections of the skin itself, like herpes or shingles (a term related to chickenpox), are mostly localized to one part of the body, viral rashes are more often symmetrical and everywhere. Patients with such rashes may or may not have other viral symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or stomach upset (nausea). Viral rashes usually last a few days to a week and go way on their own. Treatment is directed at relief of itch, if there is any.

Other rashes:

Urticaria are itchy, red bumps that come and go rapidly over six to eight hours on various parts of the body. Most urticaria run their course and disappear as mysteriously as they came. Heat rash is a skin irritation caused by excessive sweating during hot, humid weather. It can occur at any age but is most common in young children. Heat rash looks like a red cluster of pimples or small blisters. It is more likely to occur on the back, the neck and upper chest, in the groin, under the breasts, and in elbow creases.

Treatment for a rash?

Most rashes are not dangerous to people in the vicinity unless they are part of an infectious disease such as chickenpox. Many rashes last a while and get better on their own. It is therefore not unreasonable to treat symptoms like itchy or dry skin for a few days to see whether the condition gets milder and goes away.
Non-prescription remedies include
  • anti-itch creams containing camphor, menthol, pramoxine (Itch-X, Sarna Sensitive), or diphenhydramine (Benadryl);
  • antihistamines like diphenhydramine, chlorpheniramine (Chlor-Trimeton), or loratadine (Claritin, Claritin RediTabs, Alavert); and cetirizine (Zyrtec);
  • moisturizing lotions.
If these measures do not help, or if the rash persists or becomes more widespread, then consult your dermatologist.

Rashes Review

  • Rash is not a specific diagnosis. It is instead a general term that means an outbreak of skin inflammation and discoloration that change the way the skin looks and feels.
  • Common rashes include eczema, poison ivy, and heat rash.
  • Infections that cause rashes include fungal, bacterial, or viral infection.
  • Over-the-counter products to combat infection or itch may be helpful with the proper diagnosis.
  • Rashes lasting more than a few days that are unexplained should be evaluated by a doctor.

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

Shingles starts with burning, tingling, or very sensitive skin. A rash of raised dots develops into painful blisters that last about two weeks. Shingles often occurs on the trunk and buttocks, but can appear anywhere. Most people recover, but pain, numbness, and itching linger for many -- and may last for months, years, or the rest of their lives. Treatment with antiviral drugs, steroids, antidepressants, and topical agents can help.

Hives (Urticaria)

A common allergic reaction that looks like welts, hives are often itchy, and sometimes stinging or burning. Hives vary in size and may join together to form larger areas. They may appear anywhere and last minutes or days. Medications, foods, food additives, temperature extremes, and infections like strep throat are some causes of hives. Antihistamines can provide relief.


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