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Thursday, March 07, 2013

How to Flatten Your Stomach

How to Flatten Your Stomach thumbnail
Sit ups strengthen your stomach muscles.
Get a flatter, stronger stomach. Pick up any magazine related to health and fitness and there is sure to be an article on stomach
flattening exercises. It is no surprise, this is what people want, flatter stomachs. Why do some people have flatter stomachs then others, and what are some ways to achieve this goal? These questions center around stomach, or abdomen muscles, and what exercises will help keep them firm and flat.


    • 1
      --Exercise and Diet to a Flatter Stomach-- There are a couple of very logical answers to answer the first question. One of the reasons is your diet. A person cannot expect to eat chocolate cake every night and still have a flat stomach. The other obvious answer to this question is what people are doing with their stomachs. Some people spend time each day doing stomach flattening exercises, while others do not. A healthy diet, alone, is not enough to flatten your stomach. Other reasons include heredity, women who have been pregnant and certain medical conditions.
    • 2
      --Workout Routine Outcome-- There is a variety of stomach flattening exercise available to choose from. A search on the internet for stomach flattening exercises will provide many websites to choose from. It is good to keep in mind that there is a difference between building good abdominal muscles and flattening the stomach, even though they are very similar. The person has to decide what goal is wanted for themselves. Stomach flattening exercises will generally include moves in which you concentrate on sucking in your stomach, trying to "hollow it out" as you perform each move. If the exercise is intended to build muscle, but not necessarily flatten the stomach, the exercise will focus on abdominal muscles. Every exercise will build muscle in the stomach, it is just a matter of what your primary goal is as you go through your exercise routine.
    • 3
      --Basic Stomach Flattening Exercises--One thing to keep in mind as you work on your stomach flattening workout routine is that the exercise routine should include abdomen exercises that are meant to flatten each area of the stomach, and not just concentrate on one section.
    • 4
      --Upper Abs Exercise : The Basic Crunch--1. Lie on your back on the floor with your hands to the side of your head and your knees bent at a 90 degree angle. 2. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground using your stomach muscles only. Continue raising your shoulders but do not actually sit up. 3. Contract your abdominal muscles intensely and then slowly lower your body down. Lightly touch the floor with your shoulder blades and repeat. 4. Repeat 15-30 times for your first set. Try to do 3-4 sets.
    • 5
      --Lower Abs Exercise : The Reverse Crunch--1. Lie on your back with, hands behind your head, your knees bent, and lift your feet six inches above the ground. 2. Slowly bring your knees toward your chest, lift your butt of the ground, and concentrate on contracting your abs. 3. Use your abs to lower your legs keeping your feet six inches off the floor. 4. Repeat 15-30 time for your first set. Try to do 3-4 sets.
    • 6
      --Oblique Exercise : The Cross Crunch--1. Lie on your back, left hand at the side of your head and right hand on the floor, knees bent, your left foot is flat on the floor. Place your right foot across your left knee. 2. Raise your body up in a twisting style by bringing your left shoulder toward your right knee. Concentrate on contracting your abdominal muscles. 3 Repeat 15-30 times for your first set. Try to do 3-4 sets. Trade pose to opposite side and repeat.

Read more: How to Flatten Your Stomach |


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