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Thursday, July 25, 2013

Its All About The Beauty Skin From Gym

They say that if you're not sweating it out from the skin, you're not working out hard enough. And while you're perspiring profusely, physically exerting yourself, don't forget to take care of your face. Carrying a facewash.

After you complete a heavy workout session, you sweat a lot and your body loses water. The body cools down and the water evaporates resulting in loss of fluids. This can irritate the skin and make it sensitive. More blood also flows to the skin during a workout, so the skin can become red. It also becomes dry because of loss of moisture.

"It is important to remove the sweat and grease from the skin as this would invite more bacteria and can cause acne. So, yes, it is important to wash your face and a facewash would help," says dermatologist Dr Swati Srivastava.

But before your workout, you should moisturise your skin but not with a very thick cream, she says. "A lighter moisturiser before the workout and a facewash after it, followed again by a light moisturiser is the right way," says Srivastava.

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