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Saturday, July 06, 2013

Quiet outside Mandela’s hospital

It was quiet outside the Medi-Clinic Heart Hospital in Pretoria, on Saturday morning, where former president Nelson Mandela is being treated. 

Mandela was admitted to the hospital for a recurring lung infection on June 8. 

Two candles left overnight inside glass containers continued to burn. People passing by took pictures and read get well wishes massages left on a wall at the hospital. 

Celliers Street had been closed for traffic, with Tshwane metro police controlling access. Police were also stationed at the hospital's entrance. 

Earlier businessman Kenny Kunene emerged from the hospital parking bay and took photographs with some of the police at the gate. 

“I will be here tomorrow (Sunday) and I will buy from you,” he told a hawker before he drove off.
On Thursday night, the presidency denied claims that Mandela was in a vegetative state. 

“We confirm our earlier statement released this (Thursday) afternoon after President Jacob Zuma visited Madiba in hospital that Madiba remains in a critical but stable condition,” said spokesman Mac Maharaj. 

“The doctors deny that the former president is in a vegetative state,” he said. - Sapa


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