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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ritual Circumcision Or Not

The tradition, which goes back centuries, is meant to usher youths into manhood, inculcating them with the ability to take on the responsibilities of an adult who is a valued member of his community.

But at least 60 boys have died since the start of the initiation season in May, 30 of them in Eastern Cape in the past six weeks. About 300 have been admitted to hospitals.

Dingeman Rijken, a doctor at the Holy Cross Hospital, has treated so many cases that he is campaigning for more proficiency at the ceremonies and has circulated a training manual that calls for adequate medical precautions.

The manual contains graphic images of circumcisions and illustrates the best way of performing the procedure.

He has shared his knowledge with people involved in initiations in Eastern Cape's Pondoland region.
"It is becoming a psychological issue," said Rijken, who has treated 140 initiates in the past year.

"I have had to tell eight boys this season that they've lost their glans or another part of their penis . We can't run away from it; we need to deal with it."

Rijken said the worst of the injuries were caused by botched circumcisions by inexperienced traditional "nurses", who used one spear blade on many initiates without disinfection, then covered wounds with tightly wrapped bandaging that cut off the blood supply.

After about 10 hours, the genitals could become gangrenous and, in some cases, permanently damaged. But many initiates did not seek hospital treatment for another five to 10 days, Rijken said.

By this time very little could be done. Doctors could not perform surgery because initiates suffered from sleep deprivation and dehydration and were not in a condition to give consent.

In minor cases, Rijken cleans and bandages the affected area and gives antibiotics.
But sometimes partial amputation of the penis is necessary.

In some instances, boys have done nothing and the entire penis fell off.
Legislation stipulates that initiates should be at least 18, but parents can give their consent to younger boys being circumcised.

Rijken, who has monitored more than 60 ceremonies, said most initiates were aged between 14 and 17, but he had treated boys as young as 12.

Initiates rarely complained about pain because they feared being beaten by nurses and ridiculed by peers for not properly observing a tradition that encourages them to develop a tough demeanor, Rijken said.

One patient had part of his injured penis "yanked off" as punishment for complaining.
He believes it will take the combined effort of traditional leaders, provincial health departments and the government to end the killings and save the cultural practice.

But he said it was time communities were educated about the dangers of ritual circumcision.
"If you see so many boys are dying, then it's time to talk about it. We want people to do away with the secrecy." - Sapa-AP



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