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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Extrovert moms breastfeed for a longer time

New mothers who are more extroverted and less anxious are more likely to breastfeed for longer than those who are introverted or anxious, a new study has revealed.

The study by Swansea University in the United Kingdom suggested that new mothers with certain personalities may need additional support and education to help them feel confident, self assured, and knowledgeable about breastfeeding.

To investigate, researcher Amy Brown, surveyed 602 mothers with infants aged six to 12 months old. The questionnaire examined the mothers' personalities, how long they breastfed, and their attitudes and experiences of breastfeeding.

Mothers who indicated that they were extroverts and were emotionally stable were significantly more likely to initiate and continue breastfeeding for a longer duration, while mums who were introverted or anxious were more likely to use formula milk or only breastfeed for a short while.

It was found that mothers who were introverted felt more self-conscious about breastfeeding in front of others and were more likely to formula feed because other people wanted them to.

Meanwhile mothers who were anxious found breastfeeding was more difficult and felt that they couldn't get the support they needed. These factors are known to be linked to low breastfeeding rates.

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