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Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Plastic Surgery May Not Make You More Attractive To Others

A new study shows going under the knife might not make you more attractive.

The study, which was published in JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery on Aug. 1, asked 50 random people to look at photos of 49 patients before and after they’d undergone plastic surgery.

The viewers were asked to guess the age of the patients before and after they’d gone under the knife, then assign a number from 1 to 10 to that patient in terms of attractiveness.

While the viewers rated those who’d had plastic surgery as looking anywhere from 4 to 9.4 years younger, they didn’t rate those people any more attractive after undergoing surgery. Most of the subjects scored between a 4 and a 6 on the 10 point scale.

And on average, the viewers perceived the patients to be 2.1 years younger than their actual age before surgery and 5.2 years younger after their procedures, for an overall average of about three years younger than their perceived age.

Meaning you may be better off saving your cash and obeying the old adage to let yourself age gracefully.


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