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Monday, September 30, 2013

Reasons to Use Menstrual Pads

Menstrual pads are one of the options available for young girls and women that will assist them during their monthly cycle. There are several reasons why a woman would choose to use pads instead of tampons. Below are some examples showing why menstrual pads are and should be used in certain circumstances.

Age. Young girls who are new to this part of womanhood may feel more comfortable using menstrual pads. They are noninvasive to the body and simple to figure out with no need to ask others for instructions.

Many young ladies start out using pads only until they grow more comfortable with other the options that are available.

Physical reasons. After giving birth women are more likely to use menstrual pads that will absorb the fluid drainage associated with it. This allows less interruption in the discharge process.

It also may be painful to use an invasive type feminine product after the physical trauma of delivering vaginally. Menstrual pads would not cause more pain or impede the healing process.

Health concerns. Toxic Shock Syndrome or TSS warnings are placed in every box of tampons. It is a serious health issue which has the potential to be fatal. When given information to prevent health problems and knowing this is within their control some women forgo the use of tampons and continue to use pads.

Comfort. There are women who may find the use of tampons physically uncomfortable. They might experience more cramping or general pain with insertion and removal.

Among a number of women tampon usage is thought to be unsanitary.Emotional aspects can come into play when making this decision. This is why the menstrual pad is a better choice for some.

Environment. There are cloth menstrual pads which can essentially be reused after proper washing. Ladies who are more concerned about the impact that tampons and disposable pads have on the earth will find this an acceptable alternative.

Making the choice to use cloth pads may also be for financial reasons. After the initial cost you will not need to spend more money buying new feminine products from the store each month.

The choice to use menstrual pads is a matter of personal preference. There are many arguments supporting why they should be used rather than the alternative. When factoring in cost, environmental impact, comfort and your own needs it is easy to see why this is the better choice for some women.

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