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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Students Perform Sex Act In High School Cafeteria

Two students are in serious trouble after allegedly performing a sex act in their high school cafeteria last week.

According to The Atlanta Journal Constitution, a spokesperson for Etowah High School said in a statement that a female student “allegedly made a sexual offer to a male classmate during lunch.”

 Apparently, the male student thought the “offer was a joke, but when the female student began to act upon it, the male student said he stopped her”.

Parents are raising questions as to why teachers didn’t stop the students or even notice what was happening during the lunch hour at the high school in Cherokee County.

The spokeswoman, Barbara Jacoby, told the AJC that students blocked the staff and other students from seeing what was happening at the table.

“Two of those students said they had recorded some of the incident on their cell phones, but deleted the videos when they realized that they might face charges,” Jacoby explained to the newspaper. “There is no evidence any video was distributed.”

The two freshman students are now facing criminal charges and school disciplinary action.

“Two juvenile Etowah High School students were charged with misdemeanor public indecency for an incident that occurred on Oct. 10.  Appropriate school disciplinary action will also occur,” Cherokee County schools issued in statement to the AJC.


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