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Friday, December 13, 2013

Benefits Of Red Wine

Red wine has been widely used as a presentation in any occasion to welcome friends, visitors, birthday parties, wedding ceremonies e.t.c. It has been seen as a great influence on so many people to welcome friends. It is very useful and also of benefits to the body in some aspects which will be stated as follows:

  • Aids digestion: Polyphenols in wine help your gut lessen the harmful effects of certain chemicals before they are distributed through out the rest of your system. They also tell the body to release nitric oxide, which relaxes the walls of your stomach as it fills with food, helps counteract effects of irritable bowel Syndrome and improves digestion.
  • Whittles your waistline: Red wine not only helps you more satisfied and suppress you appetite (so you eat less) study says it also can halt the growth of fat cells through a substance called piceatannol, which stops the fat cells from fully forming into a full fat.
  • Strengthens your bones: Red wine helps maintain strong healthy bones. It is in the case of a postmenopausal women. A stronger bone means a lesser chance of developing osteoporosis, but over consumption has the reverse effect and can cause weaker bones.
  • Prevents cancer: Study reveals red wine's cancer fighting powers, thanks to the presence of polyphenols. Polyphenol found in grapes have some incredible anti-oxidant which includes protection from negative effects that damage the cells and DNA that could lead to cancer. 
  • Long life: Red wine could also help fight ageing, according to a recent study which shows resveratrol to extend lifespan by 60% by preventing diseases such as cancer, heart diseases, diabetes.

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