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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Getting Started With Healthy Eating

Healthy eating start with learning new  ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.

Healthy eating will help you get the right balance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. It will help you feel your best and have plenty of energy. 

It can help you handle stress better. Healthy eating is not a diet. It means making changes you can live with and enjoy for the rest of your life.

Diets are temporary. Because you give up so much when you diet, you may be hungry and think about food all the time. And after you stop dieting, you also may over eat to make up for what you missed.

Eating a healthy, balanced variety of foods is far more satisfying. And if you match that with more physical activity, you are more likely to get to a healthy weight-and stay there-than if you diet.

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