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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Health Benefits Of Cherry

Cherry is an attractive mouthwatering and thirst-quenching fruit. 

It contains plenty of minerals like potassium, copper,manganese,calcium,iron,copper and phosphorous.

Cherry is a "superfruit".It is a rich source of dietary fiber and it also contains powerful antioxidants like anthocyanins,Vitamin C,Vitamin A,

Bioflavonoids,Ellagic acid,Perillyl,Melatonin.

The health benefits of cherries are

1.Cherries contains low fat and high water content.The water content in cherries boosts the energy levels and
aids in increasing the metabolism for effective weight loss.

2.Cherries slows down the aging process with a natural antioxidant called melatonin.It also regulates the sleep-wake cycle.It plays a major role in inducing sleepiness at night and wakefulness during the day.

3.The antioxidants in cherries offer significant cancer protection and helps to repair the damaged cells in the body.Anthocyanins in cherry inhibits the growth and the development of cancer cells.It protects the heart and reduces the risk of attacks and strokes
  4.Cherries helps to reduce Inflammation.It offers effective remedy to relieve and prevent arthritis and gout in the body.

5.Cherries are considered as “brain food”.It aids in promoting the brain health and preventing the memory loss.

7.Vitamin A and beta carotene in cherries helps to improve vision and healthy skin.It prevents macular degeneration and depression associated with Alzheimer and strengthens the bones and teeth in our body.

8.Cherries being a good source of dietary fiber promotes the healthy digestive system.

9.Cherries are good for diabetics.The presence of potassium  in cherries helps to regulate the blodd sugar effectively.

10.Vitamin C in cherries helps to boosts the immune system.

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