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Saturday, December 21, 2013

The Risk In Using Public Restroom

The best bet to use a toilet is having your own personal toilet and sharing it with your family but the sad thing is that sharing it with an intimate person can expose you to certain health problems.
Many people whom I consider been illiterate when using the toilet, they prefer standing instead of sitting, flushing before using the water closet, washing hands before flushing e.t.c. However, no these save you from being infected that may send you to the doctor.

Disease Society of America reveal that samples taken from varieties of public restroom showed a huge number of infected bacteria present in such places. 

They are of the opinion that even if the restroom is looking tidy, and smell nice be careful when using it and if it is dirty or wet, then run for your dear life.

Women often use toilet tissue, paper to seat after spread on the bowl that serves as the protector before sitting on the bowl if they realise they will spend more time there.

Doctors do say that you will be free if your immune system is very strong and if you can maintain a simple hygiene habit such as washing your hands after use.

This is because the germs left on the hands can be easily transferred to the surfaces like the face, mouth, nose, or other places where you can be infected. 

“That is why hand washing with lots of soap and water is necessary after using the bathroom,” doctor say.

It was assured that you only need to fear if you have an open injury or lesion on your bum. Then, the fact remain that many people especially women are with non-challant attitude.
Doctor say Hepatitis B virus is contagious and spread among others when blood, semen, or a virginal fluid (including menstrual blood) from an infected person enters another person’s body. 

Other airborne infections that are contagious through flushing are coughs or common cold, which can be taken into your lungs through particles that fly around. 

Therefore, to prevent this airborne infection, it is advice that you should hurry out of the arena if you initiate the flushing.

Staphylococcus is another infection that you can get in the public restroom. This is variably responsible for certain form of sore throat, skin rashes, pneumonia.

E. coli is another infection that is known to cause diarrhoea or abdominal cramps.
The bottom line is think less of your bum and pays more attention to your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly after visit to the restroom.

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