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Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tips For Flat Tummy

Stand up straight: Poor posture is a huge issue for many people, says celebrity trainer, Ellen Barrett. She says she frequently sees people walking with their ears in front of their bodies and shoulders in front of their hearts.

“If people slouch, their stomach pooch,” Barrett says.

For a better posture while standing, align your ears over your shoulders, shoulders over hips, hips over knees, and knees over ankles. 

Keep the fronts of the shoulders open like a shirt on a hanger, instead of a shirt on a peg. Draw your navel to your spine and keep your weight even on the balls and heels.

The result: Without doing any abdominal exercise, you can look much leaner by simply standing up straight.

Think whole-body exercise: when it comes to abdominal strength, you shouldn’t train the body in isolation, says Liz Neporent, president of Wellness 360, a corporate wellness consulting firm in New York.

“People have this misconception that the best way to strengthen the abs is to get on the floor and do a thousand crunches,” Neporent says.

She recommends Pilates “because the focus is the core, but it doesn’t just work the abs in isolation.” That means you are using your abdominals, but you are also using your arms and legs, back muscles and glutes.

Examine your diet and digestion: “If you have abdominal fat, you can have great abdominal strength and great posture, but you won’t have a flat abdominal or a six-pack,” Barrett says. 

“You have to change your diet and increase your energy output.” In other words eat less and move more.

Props are optional: For instance, strengthen your abdominals when you are at the pack, racking leaves, taking a walk. Even while socializing at a cocktail party you can stand straight and exhale to draw the navel to the spine.
Source: webmd.com

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