Scientists at Columbia University in New York believe that the surplus
synapses are created because of a lack of ‘pruning’ that normally
occurs early in life.
discovery is a huge leap in understanding of the complex condition and
creates hope of a possible treatment, researchers said.
In mice with autistic traits, scientists were able to restore the synaptic pruning and reduce symptoms.
a drug usually used to suppress the immune systems of transplant
patients, the found the autistic-like behaviours were reduced.
The drug, rapamycin, has side effects that make it unsuitable as an autism treatment.
the discovery opens up possibilities for other therapies which can
reduce the number of synapses, according to the study published in the
journal Neuron.
Jeffrey Lieberman, chair of psychiatry at Columbia University Medical
Center in New York, where the research took place, said: ‘This is an
important finding that could lead to a novel and much-needed therapeutic
strategy for autism.’
which affects around 500,000 people in the UK, covers a range of
behavioural disorders that reduce the ability of sufferers to
communicate with and relate to other people.
Professor Sulzer said: ‘The fact that we
can see changes in behaviour suggests that autism may still be treatable
after a child is diagnosed, if we can find a better drug.’
added: ‘While people usually think of learning as requiring formation
of new synapses, the removal of inappropriate synapses may be just as
remarkable about the findings is that hundreds of genes have been
linked to autism, but almost all of our human subjects had overactive
mTOR and decreased autophagy, and all appear to have a lack of normal
synaptic pruning.’
Povey, director of the National Autistic Society's Centre for Autism,
said: ‘This interesting research may help develop our understanding of
the complex brain differences that exist between people with autism and
those who do not have the condition.
the suggestion that a drug could be developed to 'treat' autism should
be treated with caution.
Aside from considering the ethical
implications, we question whether it's possible to extrapolate the
effects of medication on mice that exhibit supposedly autism-like
behaviour to humans who actually have the disability.’ FULL STORY
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