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Thursday, September 04, 2014

The Unknown Dangers of Cell Phone Radiation

Approximately 60,000 to 70,000 cell phones are sold each day in the United States. Over 110 million Americans use cell phones.

And worldwide, it is estimated that approximately 1 billion people use cell phones. As the number of cell phones, cell phone towers, and other wireless antennas increase rapidly in industrialized nations, should you be concerned about the effects that regular exposure to radio frequency radiation can have on your health?

If you're not concerned about the effect that wireless devices and broadcasting antennas can have on your health, I encourage you to view "Public Exposure: DNA, Democracy and the Wireless Revolution," a documentary that provides the best overall look at the connection between radio frequency radiation and human health that I have ever come across.

The full documentary can be viewed below in two parts, courtesy of Google video and VIDEO
In case you don't have time to view this documentary, here are some highlights that I jotted down during my first viewing:
  1. Regular exposure to radio frequency radiation may interfere with the electrical fields of our cells. Common health challenges that have been linked to regular exposure to radio frequency radiation include:
    • Abnormal cell growth and damage to cellular DNA
    • Difficulty sleeping, depression, anxiety, and irritability
    • Childhood and adult leukemia
    • Eye cancer
    • Immune system suppression
    • Attention span deficit and memory loss
    • Infertility
  2. Children are at much higher risk than adults of experiencing health problems related to regular exposure to radio frequency radiation; thinner and smaller skulls translate to greater absorption of radio frequency.
  3. From the early 1950's to the mid 1970's, the U.S. embassy in Moscow was purposefully bombarded by radio frequency radiation 24 hours a day. The U.S. embassy workers experienced what the perpetrators identified as "Radio Frequency Sickness Syndrome."
    After some time of concentrated radio frequency radiation exposure, the American ambassador developed leukemia. The next American ambassador also developed leukemia. Blood tests performed on embassy staff members showed irreversible DNA damage.
  4. Dr. Jerry Phillips, a biochemist researcher, began studying cell phone safety for Motorola more than a decade ago. When he started generating data that indicated that cell phones have negative effects on human health, Motorola took a number of steps to delay publication of Dr. Phillips' work.
    According to Dr. Phillips, Motorola's main concerns with his data were how to handle public relations and how to spin the results in a way that was favorable to the industry.
    Dr. Phillips also indicates that the only significant money that is available to do research on cell phone safety issues is industry money. This is why he has no faith in studies that are coming out.
  5. You can use a radio and microwave detector to measure the amount of harmful radiation that your living and work spaces are penetrated by. The detector used in the documentary is called the "Microalert Radio/Microwave Alarm."
    Silver mesh curtains and copper flat paint can block significant amounts of radio frequency radiation.


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