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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Cold and Flu Treatments Can Be Found In Common Foods

While there is no known cure for either, your kitchen is stocked with many foods that can help relieve symptoms and speed your recovery.

Lemonade: This is wonderful to soothe sore throats, cleanse the blood, and loosen mucous. Add the juice of half a lemon and one teaspoon of maple syrup to a cup of warm water.
Chicken Soup: Use of chicken soup goes back to the twelfth century, to a Jewish physician and philosopher, Maimonides, who recommend chicken soup to treat colds and flu.
Mustard: Mustard packs reduce fever, eliminate toxins and help heal the mucus membranes in the lungs.
Ginger: Ginger tea can help kill germs, as an antiviral and is also very good for an upset stomach. 
Boil two tablespoons of grated fresh ginger in two cups of water for fifteen minutes, remove from the heat and steep for ten minutes. 
Drink as needed. Adding ginger to a bath stimulates the lymph and speeds lymph drainage. Pulverize a quarter cup of fresh ginger and place in cheesecloth and soak in the tub as water fills.
Garlic: Common household garlic is great as a preventative and as a treatment for colds and flu. 
Raw garlic has anti-fungal, antibacterial, and antiviral properties. 
Researchers in England found that garlic can speed up recovery from the flu and increase resistance. Garlic can cause increased bleeding, so those taking medications for bleeding should take care when adding extra garlic to the diet.
Peppermint: Mint tea helps to break a sweat. Make a tea and go quickly to bed where you will sweat out the fever.
Castor Oil: Castor oil pack placed on the chest can open the airwaves and bring circulation to the lungs. Massage Castor oil on the chest, cover with muslin or flannel, and place a warm hot water bottle over the chest.
Oranges and Fruit: Research has shown that Vitamin C found in orange juice, taken daily, can shorten the duration of the flu. 
A recent study showed that 1,000 mg of vitamin C every six hours can effectively relieve, or even prevent, flu symptoms.
Acidophilus culture restores intestinal flora.
Elderberries have been used in medicine since the Stone Age. Recent research University of Jerusalem confirmed that taking elderberries speeds recovery time from a cold or flu.
Long used an ingredient of cough syrups, horehound tea can be used to soothe a cough.
Honey has tremendous healing properties. 
It can be used to relieve coughs and to increase immunity. A simple cough syrup can be made with a spoon of honey and a bit of fresh lemon juice.
Cumin And Ginger Tea: 
Add a teaspoon of cumin seeds and a small amount of dry or fresh ginger to one glass of boiling water. Drink as needed.
Salt:  Salt is an excellent gargle and can soothe a sore throat. Use warm water and perhaps add a bit of tumeric for extra anti-inflammatory effect. Another use of salt is in nasal irrigation, which uses warm walk water inhaled through sinuses to help decongest the nose. Recent research suggest that nasal irrigation speeds recovery from sinus infections.
Kiwi:  Kiwi can be beneficial in treating upper respiratory tract infections. It’s high in Vitamin C and seems to have a protetive effect on long conditions especially in children.
Water/Hydrotherapy:  Bathing increases circulation. A hot bath can help lower a fever. Or try a ginger bath. (See GINGER, above.)
Sage:  Sage mouthwash can used for sore throats and has been approved in Germany for this use by their medical commission.
Chamomile: Used medicinally for thousands of years, chamomile can be taken as tea or inhalant. Inhaling the steam from chamomile extract was been reported to help relieve cold symptoms.
(Note: Seek medical help if symptoms persist or worsen. At signs of sudden weakness, or high fever, seek emergency care.)

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