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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Pregnant Woman is Murdered and Her Baby Ripped from Her Womb (VIDEO)

A woman in New York was fatally strangled and stabbed on Friday before the killer ripped her baby from her womb.

Police arrested a woman at the scene who they believe murdered the Bronx 22-year-old before taking the child in the bloody altercation and allegedly claiming it as her own.

The child survived the attack and investigators were working over the weekend to determine how far along in her pregnancy the victim was.

According to the Associated Press, police arrived to the scene on Friday afternoon to find the victim stabbed multiple times in the abdomen.

Authorities said the suspect, who is also 22, tried to claim the child was hers.

"When the cops arrived, the perp claimed it was her child and that she gave birth during the struggle," New York City Councilman Andy King told NBC New York. WATCH VIDEO



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