When life gets hectic, one of the
first casualties can be the sexual relationship between you and your
Whether time between the sheets has become routine or your sex drive has been lagging lately, it might be time to give things a boost.
Luckily, there are ways to ramp things up and keep them up by using certain natural remedies for impotence.
Try these 8 natural supplements proven to help make your sex life smoking hot.
Whether time between the sheets has become routine or your sex drive has been lagging lately, it might be time to give things a boost.
Luckily, there are ways to ramp things up and keep them up by using certain natural remedies for impotence.
Try these 8 natural supplements proven to help make your sex life smoking hot.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Woodsy-smelling sandalwood essential oil is a natural aphrodisiac
known to raise libidos and increase sexual desire while reducing anxiety a
terrific combination for spicing things up in the bedroom. Its effects are
particularly powerful in men because it smells similarly to the pheromone
Enjoy its calming effects in the bedroom by mixing a few drops of
the oil with an unscented lotion or coconut oil and giving your partner a
massage. Or try dabbing a few drops on your wrist and neck before going in for
a nuzzle.
Collagen Protein
Collagen is the most abundant
protein in our bodies, helping keep our skin taut and strengthening our nails
and teeth. But you may be surprised to know that collagen plays a pretty big role in your sex
life or lack thereof. As collagen production decreases with age, so does its
ability to keep skin firm.
This means it’s harder (no pun intended) for men to keep
an erection, and it creates a looser vaginal wall in women, which can make it
more difficult to hit the right spots during sex.
Adding more collagen-rich foods to
your diet, such as eggs, poultry, and milk, can increase production of the
protein. You can also speed things up by adding collagen protein to smoothies
and drinks.
Ginseng benefits are so pronounced that it’s long
been known as the natural Viagra and for good reason. In men, the root has been
found to work two-fold: It increased sexual desire in the body’s hormones and
also facilitates penile erection, providing a pharmaceutical-free alternative
to erectile dysfunction medications.
But don’t be afraid to slip some
ginseng to your female partner as well. It’s believed that ginseng helps relax
the clitoral muscles, improving sexual function for women.
And one study among
menopausal women found that regularly taking ginseng increased feelings of
sexual arousal with no adverse side effects.
Vitamin D3
Here’s a reason to catch some more
sun rays: A vitamin D deficiency leads to lower levels of estrogen in women and
testosterone in men, reducing sexual desire and drive.
Additionally, lower
levels of vitamin D also affect our moods, meaning we’re more likely to feel
anxious and irritable not exactly the disposition you want if you’re looking to
heat things up in the bedroom.
Get more of the vitamin without
risking skin cancer by taking a vitamin D supplement, and watch your sex
drive and mood soar.
This amino acid with a funny name
can play a huge role in your sex life. L-arginine is involved in replicating
cells in addition to enhancing blood circulation. Translation: in men, it can
improve both sperm production and motility.
Research suggests that high stress levels can reduce L-arginine’s presence in the
sperm production pathway, so if you’ve been dealing with a lot or work or
personal issues lately, L-arginine could be the supplement you’re looking for.
And like ginseng, women can benefit
from the L-arginine. The supplement improves circulation to genital tissue, so
it’s often used as part of a topical cream to treat infertility.
And when
combined with other amino acids, L-arginine can naturally balance hormones and
restore normal sexual function in women with estrogen imbalances.
Ashwagandha, also known as
the “strength of the stallion,” doesn’t disappoint in the bedroom. It’s been
used for centuries as an aphrodisiac and stress reliever.
And, because of its
ability to regulate hormones, ashwagandha is also effective at keeping
testosterone at healthy levels and helping men keep “at attention” during
intimate moments.
For couples trying to conceive,
ashwagandha has an added bonus: the herb has been found to actually improve
sperm quality.
When it comes to sexual health, this
mineral is a heavy hitter. Having enough zinc is crucial for healthy sperm
production and deficiencies can result in less semen during ejaculation and a
reduced sex drive. In women, having enough zinc is crucial for eggs to mature.
Luckily, zinc is easy to obtain
naturally. High-protein animal foods like lamb, grass-fed beef and chicken are
loaded with it, as are chickpeas, yogurt and cashews.
Vitamin B12
This “energy vitamin” is essential
for human life in and out of the sheets. If you’re feeling too exhausted to get
it on, a vitamin B12 deficiency could be to blame, as it can lead to fatigue
and a lack of motivation.
Not getting enough B12 can also lead to a low libido,
low estrogen in women and testosterone in men, as well as a decreased sperm
Non-meat eaters can have a very hard time getting enough of this
mineral, as its only available in animal foods, so vegetarians and vegans,
especially, should definitely consider a vitamin B12 supplement to help wake
things up in bed.
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